Helpful Links

Phimosis in Australia & Generally

A very good review of phimosis definitions supported by the NSW Governments Department of State and Regional Development - including an on-line survey of treatment results and a good discussion on the results of the survey.


Red, Itchy, Sore,  Penis or Foreskin

A very good discussion on how to treat a red, sore or itchy foreskin or penis. Novoglan advertises the combination pack of cream, soap and lubricant at a discounted price at this site. 

Tight Foreskin Cure - Discussion

A very good discussion on how to treat a tight foreksin.  

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

A brief but authoritative overview of the conditions of phimosis and para-phimosis


EMedicine – from WebMD


E-Medicine tends to have the most detailed descriptions and lists of treatments for diseases, and here they give a very detailed overview of phimosis and paraphimosis.  Their articles are written by clinicians and researchers, and are well referenced.  Highly recommended.


Netdoctor article on phimosis

A brief overview which leans more towards surgical solutions.


The University of Virginia

A slightly more detailed overview of phimosis and para-phimosis. Please feel free to comment about this site at Google group “cure phimosis”


NORM-UK - Registered with the Charities Commissioners for England and Wales

 Probably one of the more detailed articles on stretching techniques for phimosis.  Well worth a read.

A good review of phimosis and related issues.


You Tube

This is the Channel we will show Customer videos from time to time. The default video is a slide set. 

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