foreskin too tight to retract

Foreskin too Tight to Retract

So your foreskin is too tight to retract, right? Ok, you should know that you are not alone. Millions of men have contacted NOVOGLAN with the same issue and that is just the tip of the iceberg (so to speak).

A tight foreskin that is too tight to retract safely is casued by many factors inlcuding:

  • infection, 
  • physical insult (rough sex)
  • abrassions,
  • applied chemicals,
  • some OTC and prescription medications,
  • some cosmetics,
  • some soaps,
  • It can aslo be the result of a congentical malformation or just due to a genetic predisposition,
  • and so on an so forth.


So how can you retract a foreskin that is too tight? Firstly, you need to stop the cause of the inflammation. Whether the use of harsh soap, cheap lubricant, rough sex, etc, is the cause of the inflammation, you need to get the inflammation under control.


The use of Novoglan Foreskin Cream that contains a safe steroid like compound or foreskin stretching steroid can help releive this problem for you.  The NOVOGLAN products that are linked here may be offer valuable help in dealing with this matter see


Once the inflammation is controlled then you can start to stretch your foreskin and get back to normal pretty soon. For details on how to stretch you foreskin, click here!

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