The Foreskin - what is it and why is it important?
Posted by NOVOGLAN
17th Feb 2014
The foreskin is a specialised set of cells designed to protect the glans of the penis and to ensure that sexual activity generates sufficient stimulation and excitement to maintain an erection, vital for reproduction and good mental health.
Scientists have proven beyond any doubt that the foreskin plays an important role in the protection of the glans of the penis. It is now well known that circumcised men have hardened glans that loose sensitive over time. The foreskin keeps the glans soft, supple, moist and sensitive. When the foreskin is removed, the body adapts by causing the skin of the glans to go from soft, moist supple, to dry, hard and insensitive.
The foreskin contains billions of nerve endings, all designed to provide the necessary excitement to help maintain an erection and ensure the sexual act is deemed pleasurable by the brain. Men who have had a circumcision after experiencing sexual activity with a foreskin, almost always report that they have far less sensation, pleasure scores drop dramatically and they may have more softening of the penis during sexual activity.
The foreskin also plays a role in fighting infection, reducing the risk of balanitis and affords great protection against tearing and abrasions of the glans during normal daily activities. Despite some limited and contested studies that concluded that men with foreskin shave a slightly elevated risk of some sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex practices means that, on average, men with foreskins will enjoy sex more so than men without foreskins and may maintain a much healthier and longer lasting erection. Any man that has unprotected sex has a very very high risk, compared to those practicing safe sex, of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
The most common medical problem associated with the foreskin is referred to as phimosis. Simple or uncomplicated phimosis is also known as a tight foreskin. The major characteristic of a phimosis | tight foreskin is that the foreskin does not easily retract fully. Partial retraction can lead the foreskin getting stuck around the shaft of the penis, known as para-phimosis. This can be a life threatening condition, as blood and lymphatic tissue pool in the glans end of the penis. This process can cause serious blood toxicity to occur and may lead to amputation of the penis if not corrected rapidly. Fortunately, para-phimosis is rare side effect of phimosis.
In a survey we conducted at Novoglan of over 300 intact (uncircumcised men) we observed that 17 men out of the 327 men had described episodes of phimosis they had suffered. That equates to 5.2 % of surveyed men have had phimosis had some stage in their life. This is roughly consistent with large clinical studies that observe phimosis in up to 5% of intact men. The point being, phimosis is very common and is manageable. In fact, at Novoglan we receive around 20,000 men per month visiting our online store using key words like “cure my phimosis”, “treat tight foreskin” Novoglan and Phimosis” etc.
Phimosis also increases the risk of pain, discomfort, tearing, infection, bleeding and development of sores and ulcers on the foreskin, penis and glans. Simple phimosis is easily treated via the use of gentle foreskin stretching every day for a few weeks. The process of gentle foreskin stretching when combined with a cream specially designed to aid or foreskin stretching or topical steroid, is a safe, simple and effective measure to treat a tight foreskin in the privacy of your own home.
Your Doctor can advise if your phimosis is simple or if it is complicated. Complicated phimosis usually requires a referral to a specialist urologist. We would encourage all readers to insist on discussing with the urologist the use of gentle foreskin stretching prior to any surgery. Significant evidence has emerged that many men who have had complicated phimosis have actually benefited from gentle foreskin stretching as well. However, your doctor needs to ensure that that no other factors needing urgent attention are at play.
The best way to maintain a health foreskin is to rinse it with water every day. Use a neem oil based cleanser on the outside of your foreskin every few day. Use a neem oil based cream to keep the foreskin and glans moist and free of harmful fungi and other germs. Use a personal lubricant designed to for sensitive foreskin during sex. These factors provide the best means to keep your foreskin healthy and reduce the risk of recurrence of phimosis after successful gentle foreskin stretching treatment.
The bottom line about foreskins is this – the foreskin is a delicate and important part of your penis, it brings enormous levels of sensation to sex and affords a high level of protection for the glans. Look after your foreskin and it will look after you.